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Effective Science Communication (IOP ebooks)

IUPAC Standards Online

Karger Fast Facts for hospitals and academics



Využijte Knovel naplno

Tips for searching Evidence Based Medicine using EBMR and Ovid Medline

Využijte Knovel naplno

Ebook Central Academy for End-Users: Patron Interface

Academic Complete Book Display Widget webinars

This Just In! Newspapers on the ProQuest Platform

Very Short Introductions

Tips for searching Evidence Based Medicine using EBMR and Ovid Medline

Ovid MEDLINE and Embase on Ovid: Comparing the content

Exploring Open Access Publishing: Strategies for Successful Outcomes

Oxford English Dictionary

Learn how to use SciFlow Publish: From importing a document to refining your publication

ProQuest One Literature Demo

Practical Resources for Future TechBiz Leaders- O'Reilly for Higher Education

Effective Science Communication (Third Edition) with Sam Illingworth

Research Journey


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