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IUPAC Standards Online

Karger Fast Facts for hospitals and academics



Beyond scholarly articles: Explore Diverse Resources in ProQuest Health Research Premium Collection

What's New with Summon

ProQuest One Business Demo

Academic Complete Book Display Widget webinars

Getting Started with RefWorks

LibKey in Databases

How to Do Research and Get Published Webinar Series

Ebook Central Academy for End-Users: What’s New in Ebook Central

Ebook Central Academy for Librarians: What’s New in Ebook Central

Unlocking AI-Enhanced Research: New ProQuest Research Assistant

Oxford Music Online

RefWorks for beginners: How to get started

IGeLU 2024 Digital Conference and Developers' Day

RefWorks basic functionalities – create and manage your database of references

Create bibliographies and citations on your paper with RefWorks

Learn how to use SciFlow Publish: From importing a document to refining your publication


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